— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the publishing business, the manuscripts sent to the editorial office are designated by three digits and three letters. For example, “318 BBL” or “412 AMR”... But I only learned about it later.
I was at a Moscow publishing house. I have a familiar editor. Behold, I come in, and he is running with some thick handwriting. “What,” I ask, “is a novel?” and he answers, “two hundred eighty-six asses.” I was overwhelmed. “Show me,” I say. He is showing. On the first page is clearly printed: “286 JOP”.
I thought a lot about this novel. Figures and situations. I was even jealous that it was not I who wrote it... Until this comrade explained to me the literal-digital designation of the manuscripts...

Yulius Burkin

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna