— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ]
XX: You have no spirit of adventure.
YYY : No. I am too old. From the punk concert it became sober to come. Where does it suit?
YYY: sober and with peanut
XXX is fucking. Your rock’n’roll has ended... From the punk concert, you have to come in the shit and in the shadow...
YYY: So, Petruška and I looked effective.
XX: I was sure of you.
YYY: I’m in black sweaters, shorts, short shirts and fabricated socks, with a bottle of champagne and, fucking, peanut.
XX: You are not a repeat Katarina
YYY : Aha The main thing in the image - properly selected accessories

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna