— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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RTF is flawed because it does not support tables and OLE.
Save as -> Office document 97/2000/XP/2003 has not been cancelled. If an employee does not know such elementary things, I personally begin to steal thoughts about his "professional suitability."
As a rule, the preservation in a lower version on the usability of the document does not affect, and if it affects, then the employee with a 90% likelihood was foolish - added to the objects shadows and other shit.
File Format Converter is designed for Office XP and 2003, but according to unconfirmed data is even put on the 2k-th. It is free and allows you to open 90% of files in docx/xlsx/pptx formats. If even the converter did not work out, I recommend the employee to go around the fucker with the book "Word for the teasers", because it is still necessary to apply SO exotic formatting.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna