— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will tell you that there is spirituality in Russia, and I will praise the new golden clock of Patriarch Kirill.
I’ll tell you that in Europe there are emigrants, and I’m walking the foot of a Tajik who fell asleep in the entrance.
I will tell you that the Crimea is ours and I will go to Spain to rest.
I’ll tell you that the West is rotten, and I’ll listen to the Russian radio ‘Blue Moon’.
I will tell you that there is nothing better than Russian vodka, and I will buy myself a bottle of Absolut.
I will tell you that the Jews hate the Russians, and I will go to Israel for treatment.
I will tell you that we have lifted the industry from the knees and will replace the BMW with the Mercedes.
I will tell you that Russia has a developed economy and I will invest my money in American business.
I will tell you that there is no soul in the West, and I will watch a French movie with my wife.

And if you suddenly say I’m a hypocrite, I’ll call you a fascist, an extremist, close your blog and put you in jail.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna