— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The armor exists!
Quote from the news:

The curious incident, which almost ended in tragedy, occurred in the German city of Gadebush (Land of Mecklenburg-Primary Pomerania). The hunter, who shot the cockroach, struck a woman who happened to be nearby. The bullet hit her in the chest, but thanks to the underwear did not cause the German a particular harm, reports The Telegraph.

The 41-year-old tourist, whose name is not named, along with her husband was riding a bicycle in the forest near Gadebush. The couple crossed the field, as the German suddenly felt a sharp pain in the chest. When she stopped, she realized that a bullet had just hit her. Fortunately, the woman’s underwear had a steel wrap, which prevented the bullet from causing the German serious injury. The tourist was taken to the hospital. Doctors found a scarring and bleeding on the German's chest, but the woman, fortunately, did not get more serious injuries.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna