— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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18430 has been removed. Are you healthy and have no phobias? and luck. You are not familiar with this physical feeling, when everything inside is compressed, darkened in the eyes, cold hands... And this is just worms in the spring after the rain massively rolled out for a walk. And I have a scholecyophobia, and for this the hospital is not given... And here I jump to work, like a frightened cat, and in my head only one thought: "Only not to come!"A sharp clash, you say? If a wise man like you pushes a worm to me, in the best case it will be a scream and a sharp leap to the side. At worst, it is fainting. And the fact that somewhere there for depression is given a hospital, and simulants use it - so other diseases also simulate. I know one hypertensive simulant - that, there is no hypertension either? There is. There are phobias. They can be treated, but should be done by a specialist, slowly and carefully.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna