— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Muhammad sits on a shuttle in Berlin and spit on the ground through a hole in his teeth. Suddenly a fairy appears and says:
I am a socialist liberal fairy! I came here to fulfill three wishes.
Look what a hole in my mouth! I want to be cured and put all my teeth in!
Muhammad didn't have time to say these words, as immediately came out the law on free treatment and dental prothesis for social foreigners, and his mouth shone with a snow-white Hollywood smile.
I miss my four wives and fifteen children, as well as my parents, brothers and sisters, the parents and sisters of my wives. I want us all to live in a luxurious villa and that there is always plenty of money!
Muhammad did not have time to negotiate how he found himself in a beautiful villa! On the table - the text of the law on family reunification for social foreigners, as well as bank prints with information about received benefits. The house is fully furnished and equipped with electrical appliances according to the
Assistance in the purchase of furniture and household appliances for social foreigners.
The happy Muhammad simply doesn’t know what else to ask him, because one wish remains. And he asked:
I want to be a real German. Not just by citizenship. I want to be a blue-eyed blonde and be called Fritz Schulz.
He didn’t have time to finish the phrase, as everything disappeared, and he found himself sitting again on his cords and spit on the ground through a hole in his teeth.
What happened? He asked the fairy.
How embarrassing, Mr. Schulz, to swear by the state! You have to take care of yourself! Go and find work!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna