— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went to church with my mother and did the religious needs.
went the service. One lady, all as it should be, a shirt to the feet, a cloth wrapped, a thin face, eyes to the floor, stands not breathing, well, just a model and example for everyone, and here, such a trouble, she suddenly sang the phone loudly in her bag. The horror! Everyone jumped, the priest, or someone there reading, fell silent and looked around. And the lady, in the meantime, calmly pulled out the phone... and began a conversation... Oh, the Virgin who bothered at the candles, seeing this, his hands swung up and moved toward her. You will not take it with bare hands. Without interrupting the conversation, she began, very competently looping, covering herself with other people, to leave her somewhere on the side, into a dark side. How they ended, I don’t know, I had to get out of there to finally laugh. There are funny believers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna