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The Ringelmane Effect

In 1927, a series of very curious experiments were conducted, the results of which are not often remembered now. And in vain. The results of these experiments remained in psychology under the name "Ringelmann effect".

The experiments were as follows. They took the most ordinary people and offered them to lift weights. For each – fixed the maximum weight that he “pulled.” Then people were grouped into groups, first two, then four people, eight.

Expectations were clear: if one person can raise - conditionally - 100 kg, then two must raise together either 200, or - even more. After all, the mythical idea that group work allows you to more, that its result exceeds the sum of the individual results of the group members, has already existed. It still exists and is actively supported.

But unfortunately! Two people raised only 93% of the sum of their individual indicators. Eight are just 49 percent.

Check results for other tasks. For example, on the canyon. Again the same result. The number of groups increased – the percentage only fell.

The reason is clear. When I rely on myself, I do my best. And in a group you can save energy: no one will notice, as in the story about the villagers, who decided to pour a barrel of vodka for the holiday. From every yard. At the spill, it was found that the barrel was full of the purest water: each brought a bowl of water, counting that in the total mass of vodka his trick would not be noticed.

What does this have to do with passivity? And while, when I act, I willingly remember and record my efforts for myself. In the future, I will use just as much or even less. Forming a passive attitude to the business in which you are involved together with others.

Accordingly, in the case of social passivity, we can say that we perfectly understand its origin and what it ultimately leads to the fall of results to zero. Not immediately – inertia is a big thing. But still still.

It must be said immediately: no social technology has yet allowed to overcome the Ringelmann effect. You can read the spells from the "guru of teamwork", but the larger the group, the greater passivity is characteristic of a person.

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