— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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LJ Kalugin
by 1972. I am 5 years old.
My grandfather and I go for a pen. In front of it is visible a standing jean figure with a thick-walled chestnut hose to the poop. And the second behind her with long hair. "Aunt " - I show my grandfather on the figure. I liked these jeans and hair. I can’t find words to explain this to my grandfather. And then the figure turns and I see that she has a thick beard on her face. And the second too. The "UncleI am shocked to ask my grandfather. And grandfather, a quiet retiree, who worked as a telephone operator in the State Duma, then fought in the first world war, two soldiers of George (God thank you did not kill anyone! He prayed before he died. The Connector. Bullet, gait, square artillery, wire. Hence the Order), a member of the Savinkov anti-Bolshevik underground, in the second war - a doctor, put on the feet of the "Normandy-Neman" pilots, miraculously avoided arrest, and before retirement engaged in his therapeutic physical education, a non-partisan colonel of the medical service tells me a phrase, the meaning of which I did not understand then, but remembered for the rest of my life. “Don’t pay attention, Serjozh,” said my grandfather, “these are like theirs....FUTURISTS.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna