— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Father of two children #18516 on this:

"All your claims are broken down on the matter of content. You are a kind of puppy. We may treat you well or badly, we may pay you much or little attention, we may love you very much or not very much, but the essence does not change: you depend on us, you are not able to take care of yourself, and therefore you are not equal to us. Remember this when you are going to make another claim".

Do you know what your kids and grandchildren will say in 30 years? I hope you are ready for it. My pet...What am I? When I was 50, I didn’t want to share my resources, so I just didn’t have children. I had normal cats, on four legs, not endowed with the gift of speech and therefore expressing no claims of membership. People are that, not toys. Even young people and even old people.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna