— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ]
and AAA:
I love watching Asian movies. Let us say, "38 parallel", "Punkt P", "Silmido", "Death and Glory in Chanda", "In the mountains of Taihashan" and so on.
One problem: the characters are good if in the middle I begin to distinguish... And in the "R-point" I could not at all to the very end.
Since they are there to the end continuously to each other wool and whistle: "Call your name and personal number", — I suspect that little that they do not distinguish one another, so are also numbered all.

and ZZZ:
20 years ago, when I worked in Singapore, it was a very serious problem. You walk through the hallway and think: have I greeted him or not?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna