— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Twelve years ago, I received a pilgrimage tour as a prize for journalistic activity. She was at the time pregnant with the fourth child, and as if the trip was covered with a copper pelvis. Do not miss the good!
She called the cousin (the baptismal father of the eldest son), there the whole family is in church, asked - maybe they need it.
He immediately thought, and to his wife:
Can I send your mother?
- So she has no money, and still need to spend on the little things - souvenirs there, eat on the road...
Not a problem!
She recruits a maid:
Do you want to go free at sea?
He wants, by himself. But there is no money.
He takes the test:
- Dad, do you want to send my mom Galle to Solovki for free?
That humorous man whispered straight into the phone.
That’s how Galla’s mother the sea...for October, it seems...
But I was not upset, to be honest, very happy returned, and brought me an elegant photo album about Valaam... :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna