— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ]
Continuation of the pickup:
by pa7r1ck:
Employers did not pay. I go to the forest to live.
by pa7r1ck:
Kossulou has swallowed and eaten meat today, and do not listen to the promise of this Kossulou, that she will bring you to bury on Friday, but does not specify on which day.

** by
It feels like he is eating his employees.
moookino # It feels like you are a cocoon.
superkex superkex #It feels like I am a Friday.
pukanovzrivatelb pukanovzrivatelb # It feels like you are all addicts here.
pallmallpro pallmallpro Feels like you too.
Appearance # There is a feeling that there is a feeling
livingONprayer livingONprayer #Calculate the feeling,
Appearance # The amount does not change from the reset of the assembled sensations
Acnk is enough.
Yuira Yuira builds a feeling like I’m a feeling that builds.
Poulson # feels folded

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna