— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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>>How is your journey going? What is interesting?

> I quote myself
There is an analogy with the wizard "and now let’s try to get out of this ass a white and furry rabbit".
The ears have already appeared.
After a few hours *
> With loud "Chop!" gets the crown... O GOD MY! What is it? A surreal monster is pulling out behind his ears. Its different parts of the body are covered with scales, feathers and needles. Instead of one leg, a clearly incompetent visisector has a human hand. Under the tail with a brush is clearly traced a second fist which, sprinkling with saliva, tries to bite the wizard. Chimera periodically raises the hoodie and spreads the whispering "Lost contact with BD", "Fatal program error" and "Kill Me!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna