— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was four years ago. My brother and I organized a company, which now works well under my brother’s leadership, and I went into my business.
They just opened up and printed the cards. Both on my and my brother’s business card was written “sales manager” (the company is engaged in wholesale sales). My brother was the chief executive and I was the deputy director.
Of course, my pride overwhelmed me and I told my friends that I had a business with my brother and so on. My brother, on the contrary, did not like to talk about it.
“Well, we’re trying,” he said.
Once there was a situation in which I understood why it was necessary: signed the contract with the transport company, on all the conditions ran, a couple of days discussed and here, the contract is prepared in the office of the carriers. The brother gets the constituent documents and shows them. The director of the branch, who even had this proud post written on his business card, when he saw that his brother was the CEO, he squeezed a little:
Why is it on your business card that you are a sales manager?
- If the director is written on the business card, then in the negotiations with you the demand is greater, and so you can say that you need to discuss with the management and postpone the decision, think, weigh... And the position on the business card does not affect anything, except selfishness and punches.
After that, the director of the branch of the transport company changed his business card to "logistics specialist". We still work with him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna