— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Five tips for parenting perfectionism:

Rejoice for the heroine, who was lucky to torment quickly - a blessing that the classy leader turned out to be a wise woman and quickly stopped excessive enthusiasm. I had a similar situation - my dad decided to use the works of the classic to produce a beautiful handwriting, so to speak, injected beautiful... A few depressing months at the age of 8 I after school had to rewrite every day 5 pages from the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin. It all ended with my first grand hysteria, breaking my notebook and a terrible hatred for the author’s work. Everything inside is overwhelmed by the sight of his books.

My mom was different – she liked to threaten that she would throw out all the toys if I didn’t put them in place immediately after the game was over. You build a toy kingdom in the middle of the evening and you want to play with it tomorrow... And it all ends with a play with folding toys in garbage bags. After 3-4 such actions, I developed immunity, so in the next educational attack I directly stated: "Turn out". My mom was psychotic and threw everything out into the window))) After half an hour, she went to collect the surviving remains herself (probably estimating their cost). No more such pedagogical reception has been repeated.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna