— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ]
xxx: gygy, Ivanov from Serdyukov crucified: (link to film.vru)
xxx: it may, of course, be a game for the public, but Ivanov himself on the AS is washed all his bones in connection with his statements about corruption in the East: say, in the fur itself, and in general there in the East are only the representatives of different clans.
zzz: I adhere to the opinion (per too categorical) that in politics, everyone has a rifle.
xxx: + and hole
zzz: People of the other kind just don’t go there
XXX is +
zzz: so yes, I believe that anyone who is in politics 5+ years can be boldly planted. It doesn’t matter what, just 146% is for what.
XXX is ?
xxx: how does it matter, but how to determine for what period of time to plant? :D
zzz: well, here’s how much I’ve been sitting in the "calm", so much I’ll have to sit on the roofs

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna