— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was always a button at the top level in the panel in the screw that everyone was used to. The Fuck! And they removed it, and did not make any arrangements for its return. Many asked for her back. There was a simple menu "up" to which everyone was accustomed. Then in the seventh made a stylized without the possibility of return, and in the eighth and completely naked panel - I still do not use the eight principally - to get used to for a long time. And again - there is no way to return to the classic look. Microsoft Office - where is the classic menu? Learn again, get used to again. Who used the products of Adobe - also a lot to what used to, but in the new versions sadly and fucking!As if the new versions of the programs are only used by newborns, and we startups and old versions will fit or go fucking. And here’s what I’m doing: you’re going to get into the board of torrents, but I’m going to use pirated content until the last breath until the software companies start releasing programs individually for each user. Someone buys a program from you, perform all his caprices and rework for another month. What is better for designers or video makers?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna