— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX: Oh, Hah - these cash really always and everybody has! Just different. And those who say they’ve got the same one that doesn’t fuck the brain are fucking! And the only way out is to find one whose hands will not arouse in you the desire to violate the criminal code. Well, or not to look, drink beer, play computers, fuck prostitutes and eat what you got - the option is generally not worse.
Well, every woman will always, ALWAYS be dissatisfied with a man - "how, Opel, not a Mercedes?", "how, a Mercedes, not a Lexus?", "what am I, like a buggy, riding on the old lexus? He is 4 years old!" At first I did not understand, I thought - I am so bad, I cannot do everything normally, provide everything. And then I looked at the sides - and it is in chocolate, many and half do not have it. He took everything away, became loving and kind. Now I keep it strict, and she is just happy to go. The slave mentality - as long as the master is good - he is bad and I do what I want, and when the master is evil - any gift is a great honor! Only if I do not need it, I sought a companion of life and a companion to share all the joys and misfortunes of this life in two, and I got the slave Isaur - feed and fuck, and fuck life yourself as you want.

In the frame and on the wall.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna