— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the Habra discussion of self-branded armor for the cat:
The SunX:
Judging by the fact that the cat so strongly presses the back of the body to the ground - he is not very happy with this armor and moreover does not quite understand what is happening :)
by NetJorika:
I think they caught a cat bag. Judging by how pressed to the ground he walks on the video, the cat thinks that he was caught behind his back and is not ready for such armor.
and Apathetic:
This is not a bag, it is a ficha.
The K12th:
This is a well-known bag. You can stick a cat painted scotch (to not rub the wool - not a heavy and not a big piece) on the side, on the back, on the stomach, and he will walk, trying to "drop" the "obstacle".
and itsplus:
My cat had an updated firmware. None of them worked with Scotch.
by fantom4ik:
Have you purchased with an updated firmware or updated yourself? I just checked my cat on the bag and it’s present... unfortunately (:
and itsplus:
I bought it, so probably the former owner apologized.
The K12th:
Oh these vendors, for humans out how many bageroports and at least one fix, and for cats please :(

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna