— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the 19th century in Britain was a famous actor by the name of Foot. Once during a trip around the country, he stopped for a night in a small town. Having ordered lunch in the tractor, he eaten it with pleasure and on the polite question of the owner of the tractor, whether he liked the lunch, the actor, being in an excellent mood, replied:

I had the best lunch in England.

- Except for our mayor, - polently suggested him the tractor.

and Erund! I ate the best of all!

“Besides the mayor,” the tractor said again.

The verbal mess grew into a conflict, and the tractor pulled the actor to the same mayor.

The mayor, listening to the tractorist, told Futa that in their city everyone was ordered to express all respect for the mayor and to mention him at every convenient occasion.

And the violators of this order promise either a fine or a day in prison. The actor immediately paid the fine and, outraged by the ridiculous story, said in his hearts:

I have never seen such a fool in my life as this trader!

He turned to the mayor and added:

Except for the mayor, of course.

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