— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Just happened. Place of action is Moscow. The words of a friend. I found the phone under the bench in the lounge (shook my leg when I stood up). The Samsung Galaxy S5. Pressed on the turn-off button - it was working, 29 missed calls, stands on silent. All the calls were from the "Mommy" contact. My friend was waiting for a spouse, so he decided to call this contact to tell me where and when I could pick up the phone (I wanted to tell my home address). The dialogue:

“Hi, I found your phone, you can pick it up tonight, I can’t be there now.

Who are you lying to! My daughter just said the phone was stolen! We have already called the police. Now bring the phone to the Kotelniki (metro station)!

I am busy and will be home tonight. Let someone come and pick up the phone. I need nothing from you. I found him under the bench.

Oh you hate! The thief! P is Dars! The Lord Ndon! Students steal their phones and think everything will go out of hand? They will be buried in Mentoring.

I’ve changed my mind, I’ll sell your phone.

A friend throws the phone. Shut off the phone. He pulls out the symmetry. I paid a symbolic sum at the nearest subway.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna