— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ]
Will you come to the wedding?
xxx: so is it
The only time I was there, I still remember with shame. A couple of friends get married, all grown up, such a solemn situation in the church. Everyone is listening, the music is harsh, the priest bats. and we here and Sania stand in such a red-mooded mood, have already submitted to the norms, and even an anticipation of the ongoing cheerful drinking))
yyy: here Sanya take and lick me - "Look, pop on a diving like", I whispered on the whole temple, stumbled on Sanya's chest, trying to hold the whistle, and scratched him in the swimsuit, so that it wasn't heard. And he knows, show the finger of the electricity, well he wrapped in my shirt with a moustache and also presses stands))))))
yyy: so and stood the whole event in an embrace with eggs, glimpsing at each other)))) other guests, looking at us, also smiled, the bridegroom looked and almost stopped in the voice, but in time got the elbow to the side of the bride
Yyyy: We didn’t want to drink any more after that (((
Yyy: The bride said we are two fools (
We go to church without you :)
Sanna also passed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna