— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What is the rarest name in China? and Ivanov! (c) the

Somewhere in the world there was a company, and there was a department in it. The department as a department, quite large, at present times. Managed the department a person responsible, business and essentially not bad. His only point was that he remembered the names of three people on the flyers to the place or not. These people in the department never worked, so their mention was not bothering anyone and was purely educational. The names of these people were, if anyone has already guessed: Ivanov, Petrov and Sidorov.
It looked like that. The boss led a flyer, burned up, began to vigorously move his hand and said:
- Are you asking Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov or the suppliers?
or :
“If Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov had worked like this, I would have driven them out to the damn mother!
and more:
"With this attitude to the case, Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov would have flown out in my three accounts!
And so on...

Everything would be fine, but one day one of the employees left in a decree. In her place was taken a young man with the name Sidorov. After the first flight, he was noticed running around the department in order to find out who Petrov and Ivanov were, with whom he was so unfaithfully compared. The people said to him, “Don’t crack, he has tales like this, he has no claims to you about the work. For another couple of months, Sidorov was nervous and pulled his head into his shoulders on the flyers, then got used to it and stopped.
One of the oldest employees of the department retired. Strangely enough, Ivanov was taken in his place. The boss himself accepted him.
Ivanov was rubbed, when he mentioned a couple of times closely looked at the boss, realized that it was just a figure of speech and stopped flattering.
I would not have written history here if Petrov had not come to the department. He was a man with a military past.
Therefore, when he heard his name for the first time on the flyer, he stood down on the bench humbly and said, "I!“”
The boss cried and stood on him. The people around him experienced the torments of hell, so as not to rise.
The boss rebuked the former military with a glance and offered him to sit down.
The meeting continued until three names were heard again. Here Ivanov, not noticed before in braking, jumped on the stand humbly and said, "I." There was a chain behind him shouting “I!” Military Petrov and nervous Sidorov jumped in. The hood shattered the walls of the negotiation, the people could no longer contain.
The situation was saved by an old friend of the boss, who by this time already understood everything, so waited until there was silence and offered to take a break. During the break, he led the boss under his elbow and stuffed something to him.
On the other flight we gathered already with some dangerous enthusiasm.
Everything went smoothly, three names were not voiced, the matter went to a close. Finally the boss said:
- Here I was told that we had Ivanov, Petrov and Sidorov. Well, what to say, I’ve been waiting for them for 20 years! (Long and loud applause)
P.S To the honour of the boss, it must be said that he did not mention them any more.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna