— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How to stop collecting rubbish and start playing? After pumping the next floors and building a new base, there was a material shortage and I was forced to interrupt my long trips to the south. Now I was moving more and more quickly, finding the promising volume of garbage, the building, cleaning it, and carrying the barrel with bags. I took everything, broken fans, mint pads, broken toasts, ended up falling down before coming back to pick up the rust hives and plush mice. I came into the settlement, rolled it all out onto the square in front of the mourning settlers, and joyfully announced: “I am a prns!”

Yesterday I discovered that even the screws I have about three hundred pieces, that for more than a week I did not take a step in the direction of the plot, and in general, forgot the taste of adventure. I took a machine gun from the shelf, picked up a handful of medicines and went on quests. But he immediately returned without doing any, but loaded with some shit from the nearest wash. When I realized that I had a problem, I strictly forbade myself to put anything of no value in the covers, but I immediately faced another problem. I can’t get any aesthetic pleasure from the interiors. It is as if I have a kind of vats constantly on before my eyes that illuminates the bulbs, fans and the insulator. That is to say, when I come somewhere, I don’t think ‘Oh, it’s a log of mutants’ or ‘Oh, it’s a base of raiders’ I think ‘Oh, five fans, four canisters and two scotch rolls!’

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna