— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went to the supermarket for a weekend dinner. At the entrance there is a broken grandmother with a chariot, crawling in her belts and cuddling, I pass by, hearing louder, some nonsense, the son of a drug addict, in the house, hungry for the third day, and all that. I bought it, went out on the street, the grandmother stood and cried without stopping, sadly pressing. It became interesting, went five meters away, sat on the fence and smoked. I see it going on. After a few minutes of waiting, the lady comes out and gives the grandmother bread, eggs and butter like butter. The grandmother cries and dissipates in thanksgiving, cleans the car in the cart and continues to cry and cry. A couple of minutes later, the pair comes out and gives the grandmother some cans, more bread, milk, cheese and a stick of sausage. Grandma thanked, cried and worshiped. He puts everything in his bag and continues to stand. I go out with a baby, give a small package with a German, give it to your grandmother. In the package round bread, such as a coke box of the type of crops in bags and a few more, small brown yet, apparently a heavy package. The lady offers to take her grandmother home, but in rejection, she seems to be nearby. The chubby with the dieth falls, the grandmother continues to stone and read.

I go to the store, tell the guards that the grandmother at the entrance is robbing the buyers, crying terribly and in general with me only broke the slices for half a piece. And the guard says they can't drive her out, a couple of hours ago they tried, the uncles came unwashed and promised to ruin the store if they were expelled again.

Such things. Help the grandmothers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna