— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A.A Roses of freedom, tolerance and mercy.

I will tell now. It all started at school. One family asked a teacher to ban in the classroom where their child was studying, handbags depicting a pig from a popular cartoon. They were Muslims, and they had a special taboo about pigs. The teacher said that such things are within the competence of the parents. Then the father of the child raised the question of the pig at the parental meeting, but did not do it tactically enough. As a result, he was threatened by the police, and all students became aware of the incident. A few days later, the other children came to the classroom in t-shirts with a large pattern of the same pig, and also glued stickers with the same pig on everything they could. A Muslim child was hysterical and the Muslim community appealed to the court for torture and discrimination. The court questioned teachers and students, but found no objective actions that could qualify as such. Of course, the court caused inconvenience to children and their parents, which caused, according to the press, a “pork boom”. The peak, as you know, were huge rubber pigs inflated with helium — many residents raised them over their houses, cafes and shops on the eve of Halloween.

“Why did the clashes occur, which required the police to intervene,” Seker added, “was it reasonable to bring about this?

Is it reasonable on whose side? I asked Grindel.

I mean, maybe it would have been better to spare the feelings of this boy and give in on such little things as children's handbags? Did the light come down on this pig?

There was a pause. Grindel thought for a quarter of a minute, and then said:

The car is childish, and the problem is adult. Light always comes together on some little thing: pictures, T-shirts, balls. These little things make up our freedom. We teach children to be free in these little things. I read in one old book that freedom is the ability to openly do what someone doesn’t like. I think very right thought.

Are you not afraid that in this way we will devote our children to mercy?

I am not afraid. They are not forced to have mercy, so I answered Dr. Ahmad. Mercy is the desire to care for and protect, not to obey and tolerate.

“To clarify your position, I will ask another question: when you talked about the swine boom, you mentioned that the father of the child did not tactically explain his claims. What does that mean, and how could he do it tactically?

He said about this: Islam teaches that the pig is an unclean animal, this should be taken into account, you have no right to insult my faith. He began to dictate to free people what they are entitled to and what they are not. If he had said: the son is very suffering because of this pig, and if this picture is not important for you, then you can not ask your children to write pencil with another picture - the reaction would probably be different.

of mercy? Asked the reporter.

“It seemed like,” Grindel shrugged his shoulders, “in the beginning no one thought of terrorizing the boy with these pigs. Moral terror began only in response to attempted coercion. When a sweet lady, a vegetarian, comes to visit us, we don’t put meat on the table. This is not from respect for the vegetarian teaching, but simply not to offend a person for nonsense.

“That’s,” said Seker, “if the vegetarians demanded to stop eating meat in public places...

“Then I would demonstratively eat sausages in the Central Park,” Grindel concluded.

What if they did not ask, but asked?

Then I’t pay attention to that. Everyone has the right to campaign for whatever he wants, within the limits of what is permitted by the Great Charter, but this agitation does not give me any response.

In other words, are you ready to make concessions to the oddities of an individual, but not a social group?

is right. Because each individual has some peculiarities, but in public activity they are inappropriate.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna