— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I served in Germany before the withdrawal of troops from the warehouse. Since the case was in stagnant times, the exchange of currency was strict and allowed to exchange only 30 rubles. Upon leaving Russia, a declaration was issued, with which the Zaldaticus went to the bank and exchanged these rubles for marks. The declaration was stamped with the text in the barbaric language and the signature of the treasurer.

But there are methods... The stamp was reduced to some sort of composition from sets of chim. exploration, and the resulting yellow spot is chlorine. As a result, the declaration became virgin and the procedure was repeated in another bank. There was only one problem. Each declaration was used 10-15 times and by the end of the cycle it had a rather suspicious appearance.

Here I give such a paper to the buyer going to the city and ask to change the other money. The flag has long considered mint and a strange smell of pharmacy paper, but it agrees. It appears a little green in an hour and says it almost burned. When asked what specifically caused suspicion (the paper was, of course, of a fuzzy appearance, but even worse jumped), he that with the appearance of her just everything was normal, but when a decent German put a stamp on the declaration, he immediately disappeared...

While the elderly lady knocked her eyes after the third attempt to stamp the stubborn creature, he managed to grab the evidence and drop it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna