— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: See, advertising of aura vision courses: "Already after a few classes you will be able to see what no one else can see". Someone is running!

WOW: Really, why do you need courses if I can see so well what others don’t see. On the left, the vertical strip rolls, on the right, some shit in the form of a cluster of threads with legs... Lighting in the nodes of a thin structure and the rotating thousand-pesic lotus of the Sahasrara chakra – only after some exercises.

Hey, what are you doing, or are you being fooled? Don’t try my psychic!

Destruction of the glass body of both eyes. with special effects. Therefore, I highly recommend all adepts of such courses as an oculist guru. They are usually sent to the Mullahara chakra. Even without Google you can guess where it is located.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna