— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A fabulous "cartoon" from задолбайки 19089.
1st The fact that the first story with the dismissal of an IT specialist neither you nor the management taught anything - speaks of your complete incompetence in the selection of personnel.
2nd In the history from 2014, allegedly the next day everything was broken, how was the employee removed from work? It is funny.
Three History with prosecution - here either your office really brought money, or the guy spoke too much to the investigator and in court. In Russian jurisprudence, such cases in most of their "dirty".
4 is In the TC of the Russian Federation there is no legal concept as "two weeks of compulsory employment", which again speaks of your incompetence.
5 is Yes, IT staff is the same, only the area of responsibility of this staff usually extends to the entire company, unlike the same secretary.
6 is Tell the name of your "story" office, for the future, so that the accused employees do not get stuck with you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna