— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Maybe Russia-mother has not grown up before this, but in the United States, the entire infrastructure of the enterprise is held on the roads. In our office, the damage from the fall of the mail server for 5 hours was estimated at almost a million and a half dollars. So they are paid just for everything to work and when to get up. When he comes to work, and what he does there during the regular operation of the network, everyone is foolish. The main thing is that it is reached during working hours. And overtime is also paid in full, yes, 1.5 times more per hour than usual.

You have to be a stupid idiot to offend the idiot. Even if he just stands up from his place and leaves - the job will get up for a day at least 4 and will then go through the penny-top for a month or two, until the new айтишник finds out what to do. But this is in the United States, where the printing machines have long since come down and the functioning of an office without a network is either dumb impossible or extremely inefficient.

So, dear Eichar with 30 years of experience, you have not gained brains in those 30 years. Please enter the name of the company where it is treated with ATI. To make his idols from his homeland widespread.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna