— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One acquaintance told me. Following her words...
At the 4th year of the institute, in the early 1980s, I was awarded for active public work with a two-week journey to Bulgaria via the "Sputnik" youth tourism line.
First we had to go through the Faculty Committee. Well, therefore, I will go into the office of the party committee, tell with a lively voice about the activities of the CPSU in the struggle for peace around the world, confidently answer questions about the international situation, and here one old man, the deputy dean, suddenly declares:
You are not worthy, Sidorova, of this journey! I saw you smoking in the toilet.
And so I was offended that because of this fool I would not go to Bulgaria, that I asked him with an evil voice:
What did you, Victor Petrovich, do in the women’s toilet?
Under the friendly laughter of the other members of the commission, whom this old partyman also got, my candidacy was immediately approved.

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