— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In a very dark area ten years ago, an abandoned monastery began to revive. In the ruins, located far from the roads and villages, the monks returned, set up any kind of farm, hanged the gates, covered the roofs and domes again, raised crosses on those domes, and lived an ordinary monastic life. Not so soon, but the surrounding population learned about it. And here, once, after the dance, the local youth decided to go to the monastery, and to loosen its settlers. It is said – done! Loaded in the tractor trailer and in the ancient "gigulates", sat on the motorcycles, well and went for about 30 kilometers - to beat the monks. Are the pigs really there?! to
They approached the monastery when even the long northern day was over and it began to dark. The monastery bridge suddenly. They were locked. Outraged by this circumstance, the young peasants began to knock in the gates as much as they could, loudly expressing their dissatisfaction. The door, however, was not opened, and it was not possible to break them somehow - it was done painfully. Finally, a small window opened in the gate, and there appeared a part of a man’s face – an eye, a bearded cheek, a piece of nose...
Child, what do you want? Caused by a closed door.
Open the door, my cat! A young rural tribe cried out.
- Not commanded by the father of the Igoumen - after the pause, he gave up outside the gate.
What other hummingbird? Yes, we are *** **** **** your gurumane!!! Yes we are *** ****!!! Open it! Are you not a man? Who are you yourself?! to
Is it? I am a guardian brother. Listening is like this...
Are you a keeper?!! Oh obedience! → Then open us this second of the door obediently, and then we are all here **** ****** ******, twice and half!!!!! to
“Now, boys, now... Behind the gates was the noise of a sinking sink.

No, the door has not opened. But in them opened up the calice, approximately 120x190 cm. He stood in it, filling it with his whole body, the doorkeeper brother. From underneath the opened gate of his black roof, a calf with blue stripes looked at the village heroes. The hands of the doorkeeper's brother shook the imagination - such hands could be taken from above, just fingers, and raised a basketball ball. On the rear side of one brush there was a flag "Kandagar", on the rear side of the other - the airborne emblem against the backdrop of the rising sun.

My boys, he passed by. You at least fear God, we are almost three hundred people like this.

Monastery in the name of St. George was imprisoned for psychological and social rehabilitation of soldiers who had gone through "hot spots", but then in a very non-black-earth region, not everyone knew about it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna