— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ]
How many times have you broken.
Watch and mobile at the same time.
Forced in the past.
to ask (and necessarily nice girls, not out of that)
The grandfather?
I can’t believe in such a total.
The Unfortunate. In the multiples
unskilled subjects - is more willing to believe,
According to the further text.

He fully agrees, but his complaint has a part of truth, because young girls are really very rude today. I personally don’t have the clock broken, but sometimes I have to turn to the locals to find some organization that seems to be somewhere here. And I will NEVER approach a young girl, for five out of ten will answer the same thing as a complainant with a broken clock, four will pretend that they do not hear, and one will pass through her teeth, I don’t know. But for the elderly, this option is undeniable. They will always tell, tell and show. And often they themselves are happy to move a couple of phrases with a polite young man.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna