— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The crumbling pad, the blue is just a pipet, which, as the type says, began the exam, gets out of the pocket any tickets, all the crumbling such, and the garden itself, nothing writes, the people choose tickets for themselves and quietly sit on a ride, with textbooks, with notes, with wax, he sat for 15 minutes and fell asleep... And he needs a verbal defender, well, the gardener, they tell, and he is sleeping! He hated, then they wrote some leaflet and surname, well, and the assessments, the type he put himself, well, all there OTL.The kids hated, and here, the garden is one baton finished, he is uncomfortable just to give up, he starts to tell loudly his ticket, tasks, the paddle woke up and listened to him, the paddle, and here, when the bot reads the last task, says such a phrase and in my answer here 367,15...", on this phrase the paddle opens one eye, begins to spread a man in his inner pocket of a jacket, gets a wallet, puts on the table 400 rubles, and he is losing!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna