— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Read with StackOverflow made my day:

I’m a C# developer and I’m often humiliated by Java developers, because my C# language is shit.

I do not agree with them, because this language was made by such a company as Microsoft. If it was able to make such a good operating system as Windows 10 that did all the axes in everything, then it can’t make a bad language.

I tried to counter them by traditional methods, saying that Java is slow, Linux is fucking, and we have LINQ.

But, in response, I got a benchmark where it was clearly seen that, the same is slower than PHP in 5-10 times, too, I was told that Windows is shit, and java is the most popular language. After that, I no longer knew what to answer.

The question is, how do you oppose them? C# is no worse than Java. After all, it has LINQ and it was made by Microsoft!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna