— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It’s not about pointing a woman into the kitchen. Remember that longtime, when the daughter of friends first asked what she wanted for her birthday, the child wanted paints, paper, colored foil and all sorts of other brushes - and then told everyone that they actually already decided that they were giving a computer, let the guests better with the money. As a result, the child without a gift, the computer is, of course, the daddy "you will be allowed sometimes to use it, if you will behave well". Here the option is softer (yet it will be easier for the wife with a dishwasher than without it), but the point is that a family acquisition is issued for a gift to someone.

For the humor:
A friend gave her husband a glossy board on February 23. He in response to March 8 - Auto Antenna (C)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna