— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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House type "tower" - one entrance, nine floors. Apartments at one time were given to employees of the same enterprise, so that all tenants know each other if not by names, then in person - for sure. In the conversation with the neighbor came the question - what, say, Katerina Pavlovna from the 19th apartment is not seen for a long time?

In the evening I went home, the windows were burning at 19. And Catherine Pavlovna is old already, she is no less than 85, or even all 90, little of what happened. I knock at the door...

In general, everything turned out to be normal: a grandson-student came to my grandmother, joined Katerina Pavlovna to the joys of the internet, she is not going for a walk now - she teaches French on online courses. I ask why French - so, she says, since childhood, she has read French novels, she wants now in the original!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna