— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The human psyche does not do such miracles, but is still poorly studied, for the head is a dark object.

And the physiological mechanisms, of course, are a foolish thing to study, for sweat and blood are disgusting and uninteresting compared to the eternal radiance of pure reason.

333: (...) non-stalinism has been studied since the 19th century. Of course, you could have swallowed, but why, isn’t it?

222: Thank you, 333, now I know the correct phrase about the fat layer, the effect of which with the mouth foam denies 111. The Leidenfrost effect is a phenomenon in which a liquid in contact with the body is much hotter than the boiling point of this liquid, creates an insulating layer of steam, which protects the liquid from rapid burning. Physics, physiology and no esoterics. That I, the author of the original text, personally swallowed his hand into the fire many times, and was required to prove.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna