— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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288, did you carefully read the original complaint?

Its author does not fail to throw out "unnecessary stuff", he is just tired of excessive attention. They ask him, "What do you want to be given to you?" and they get the answer, "That or that," but they don't give absolutely what they were asked for. And at the same time they still complain - that they ran to look for to pick up, so much money dropped down... and when they discover that their greatest gift was thrown out, or they were thrown on an antresol - they are offended immensely!

It is the donor who has the cult of the gift, not the gifted. You don’t know what to give (you can’t, you don’t want to) – don’t drag any sludge "to get away";, better don’t give anything. and real.
And the visitor is just a recommendation list, no one compels anyone, and the person will sooner or later buy from it what he wants. But note – he will be happy to get the same from another.

Oh well! Because a gift is when you want to make someone pleasant. Not the opposite. There is another proverb: "Take, wretch, what is bad for us". It does not need to be implemented exactly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna