— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here is an interesting observation. There are rabbits in a public place (I am not going to discuss this phenomenon at all, but I want to highlight one moment). And if you look at their composition, it turns out that most of them are people with iPhones. That is, the percentage of iPhonizers among rabbits, and the percentage of rabbits among iPhonizers is higher than in fans of other brands.

Here is another. In some public place, you hear someone listening to music on their gadget. He really listened, and everyone around him. You look — and again it will probably be a person with an iPhone. And headsets are standard - the guarantee is almost 100%. And again - if you look at people with other devices, then they have headsets bought separately, and the outside sound almost does not penetrate.

Problems with the phone? (from hardware to software) It is likely to be an iPhone again. And even broken screens are most often with them again.

I’ve never been an epplophobic or a hater, but a strange trend. The device is three times more expensive than the same from other firms (and an order more expensive than the economy options), but their owners behave... I don't know how to express more tactically... in a low-cost way?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna