— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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19285: I understand that I did not satisfy your hopes, but this is not a reason to give in to the influence of your family and close people and thus throw away your feelings, thinking that the next man will be better.

I have been in this situation several times, and this is what I will tell you... At each breakup I heard: “I am the best, you just ate and don’t understand, but soon you will understand what all nonsense is, and you will go back to ask, but each next was better than the previous, because you learn from mistakes.

My feelings are no reason to wipe my feet. I’d rather bite myself in the back of my neck, but I’t turn into a cloth. A good word "cooled", much more successful than "saved by escape" or "expelled by a bad butt".

I still encountered a man who does not require a second chance, but dares to live right away, thinks before it, and then is ready to take responsibility for his actions. I hope your disappearance finds itself.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna