— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered:
As hanged on a friend's house; mostly suffered from a hernia, and he still twisted the muscle on the compass. The pastoral painting. But fuck me to put my nose in his track sheet...
This Mormon conspirator changed the name for some reason, from boredom to see. Okay, the group of "Poltina" (like Fifty St) did not cause a special stupor, and Skrillex we would like to gently call Sclimax between us, but fucking buton, which meant lines.
Man's House - Unobtained Evil
The Survivors - Jump
Harmony on the whole coil - what, people?
I could not focus. But when he deciphered that the first was Manson’s theme from Resident Ivil, the second House of Pain – Jump Around, and the third – the opening from Tetrady Death (and the group, it turns out, Maximum the Hormone), the unfortunate brain fell into a sediment, and I was under the table.
Then asked to remove the entire list, so far where it rolls.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna