— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When my girlfriends complain about their unclean husbands, who throw out their socks or are unclear in food, I tell them about their ex-husband and they keep silent. My ex-husband came from work and first opened the closet with clothes and bedroom, if there was a smooth footer lying not perfectly or somehow wrong, then he threw all things on the floor and spoke: "Split and fold." Bedding was changed every day, food should only be cooked, if the second time the same everything, rubbish. Definitely the first second dessert, in sex he loved a long prelude, he touched and accentuated all my places, emphasized attention on all the grasshoppers, and if not God somewhere falling hair or it wasn’t perfectly smooth! After this review, I didn’t want anything. And so with every little thing, I still worked with him, he was a food technician, he was very appreciated at work, always cleanliness was in his workshops. I lived in constant tension, and if I cleaned my shoes, and if I have time to prepare food for his arrival, and if I have everything washed and smoothed, and if God does not give me where the shade, and suddenly the flowers did not wipe out, etc. When she got to the hospital due to nerves and overwork, she decided that she needed to divorce. I came to the chamber, noticed that I had crumbs and eyebrows on the shelf, and the makeup would not bother. I was silent, I had no strength to speak. Thank God the cleaner, who was washing the floor next to him, almost heated him when he noticed that the corner was not washed. Fuck, I have endured this for two years, now I write and amusingly, and before I cried from fatigue, foolish.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna