— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I worked in the factory in the summer. Once there was a rumor in the shop that the neighboring abandoned shop was leased to some confectioners, and those, in turn, invite the workers to visit for cheap delicacies. And the chief of the workshop began to notice that the women, and then the men began to run to that workshop, and with full bags to return. He got together with thoughts, and went there for exploration. Candy makers produced different candy, many marriages, it was unfortunate to throw away, and they put the marriage at free prices from 30 (caramel) to 90 (very delicious candy, that in stores under 350-500 rubles / kg went) rubles per kilogram of straw. Our hero has returned from the intelligence with two huge packs of thickness and thickness.

Oh my boss! Why did you take so much? He was met by harsh workers.

Caramel has taken.

How much took it?

Twenty-four kilograms, I barely carried.

Where are you so much, fool? It will fall in one place!

-Well, sugar in the store is already for 50 rubles, and here caramels for 30. Braga has something to do!

The Gogot verse instantly and went into the shrinkage of the men gathering behind the caramels.

The Departure! Everyone to work! There is no more caramel. I bought it all, the next batch only in a week and I stalled it!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna