— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My eldest daughter is in the school camp. Excursions, conversations with "interesting people", cleaning the territory with cabinets and other mess. Boredom is illuminating. But my differentiated, taught on my head.

After cleaning the garden, everyone was taken to the dining room. They feed, in principle, normal, but then served a pearl. Of course, everyone was just “enthusiastic.” The student, seeing that the process is not going, tried to stifle them, and there was about this conversation:

Don’t like the cabbage? What do you want, chips and cola?

– Yes!! to

And you know, we can do an experiment: we take a rat in a cage and feed it with chips for a month.

He raises his hand:

- Mariovanna, can we even feed you a month only with a pearl?

Gogot, an angry schoolgirl, calling my parents (me).

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna