— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Address to the studio. Here the theorists of darkness, let them go, train on a specific biddle
I would be happy. Only a) the moderators will not miss because the violation, b) the law will be offended, because the disclosure and invasion of private life has been done and the main c) no one will come anywhere, you understand! The internet warfare is going on. :)
And yes, sheebeck...
I have never fought and will never fight with my neighbors. For the barrel and the bottle on the back of the neck were not cancelled by anyone, and it was not blocked by any legal karate. If the neighbor is foolish (look the truth in the eyes, people!) Then his response to your normal behavior will be foolish. Like wire every day in the lock well (eat after work to get home), cut wheels of your car and the like. A man who listens to the police officer's words will not start to make noise at first, because he already respects the law and the right of his neighbors to be silent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna