— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It is paddle...
Kial: Haval now, from the nephig to do robbed a telecome. And there the Soviet cartoon Aybolit is going.
So, an interesting fact - the first good gray sage flying on giant eagles was he, not Gandalf.
The cartoon was removed before 1953. Because then Tolkan Hobot published.

Dr. Ayboly is a fictional doctor, a character of several works by Korney Chukovsky: poetic fairy tales “Barmalay” (1925), “Aibolit” (1929) and “Oddolejem Barmalay!” (1942), as well as the prose novel “Doctor Aybolyts” (1936).
The song was performed in 1938.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna