— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend in the New Year broke up with a girlfriend. He did it suddenly and irrevocably. To the question of what he was so disturbing, he remained silent. But we didn’t do such things, especially on holidays, when there’s nothing to do. Here is the moment of truth.
In short, she on her corporate, on the go, hit her eyebrows, felt like a great deceiver, came to me, fucked and went home. And I wrote me from a taxi clever essays, such as, sorry I couldn’t stay, my mom would be worried, but you were superb, chmooki-chmooki.
Is this a reason for separation? Do you like to fuck with drunk girls? Do you like girls who sleep at home?
“I don’t like being fucked in Peter while I’m sitting at a workshop in Voronezh for the third day. This is a great reason for me to break up.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna